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Your documents live inside of Past.

With Past, your documents are not static files; they are dynamic assets that interact with you. Upload any material—be it lecture slides, research papers, or project briefs—and watch as Past transforms them into a fully integrated part of your workflow. Engage with your content like never before: take notes directly in the text editor, receive real-time assistance and corrections, and summon information with a simple query.

General search queries.


Targeted querying.

A stunningly beautiful application for your websites.

Past is a swift-native macOS application built with Apple’s powerful webkit framework. Past is fast, powerful, and the most beatiful way of getting to the internet. With Past, every journey through the internet is a step forward into a future where your desktop extends into intelligence, making every exploration, every discovery, a part of a broader, more connected experience.

Amazing ways to understand.

Past redefines your web interactions, turning each webpage into a dynamic dialogue. 

Engage with content through intelligent, conversational inquiries and receive instant, AI-driven insights that elucidate the essence of the page for you. With Past, it transcends mere information retrieval—it's about piecing together understanding, one insightful query at a time, in a computing future where your digital workspace is seamlessly integrated with the cloud.

Built for the future of desktop computing.

Crafted for the next era of integrated computing, Past ushers you into an effortlessly language-forward internet. 

Beyond traditional browsing, Past stands as your gateway to cloud-based applications and files, encapsulating a context-rich platform that transforms every interaction into an opportunity for deeper comprehension and engagement with your digital world.

A new world class internet experience is here.